Preqin's proprietary methodology showcases the top and most consistent industry performers.
Hedge Fund Performance
Fund profile must be visible on Preqin Pro.
Fund profile status must be ‘Active’.
Completed 3-Years’ worth of Monthly Return Track Record as of 31st December 2022.
Fund AUM of at least USD $300 million.
Fund Auditor tagged onto the relevant profile.
Fund Administrator tagged onto the relevant profile.
Percentile rank each fund by each of the metrics listed below. Those with the highest score receive the best rank for that metric.
By equally weighting, an 'Overall Score' is calculated by an average across all the ranking criteria.
Fund with the highest ‘Overall Score’ is determined as the winner of this category.
Sortino Ratio (MAR = 2.0%) – 3-Year
Maximum Drawdown – 3-Year
CVaR – 3-Year
Annualized Return – 3-Year
Annualized Volatility – 3-Year
Winners and shortlisted funds were identified to perform a final review of all relevant data points on firm and fund profiles, in addition to attempted direct outreach with each Hedge Fund Manager to confirm data accuracy.
For all Hedge Fund Performance Preqin Awards, the aim was to verify the following:
AUM track record
Fund auditor
Fund status
Fund structure
Fund strategy
Registration with Regulator within Local Jurisdiction
When was the performance data pulled?
Performance data was pulled from Preqin Pro on May 15, 2023.
What was the time frame for consideration?
A fund would meet eligibility requirements if the performance data was reported within a 3-year time frame from December 31, 2022.
Was there a fee required to participate in the Preqin Awards?
No, all firms and funds that met eligibility requirements were considered for the Preqin Awards free of charge.
Reach out to Preqin's hedge fund performance team.